Four Major Strands of Work
This semester has been a learning experience for me in almost every way.
As for the four major strands of work I have learned that communication is essential to have a good relationship with your
students. Research for this class has not been tedious by any means but more involved research for personal growth and
knowledge. Technology has been a major element of our learning this semester such as maintaining our website and using
technology to publish our students stories. I would have to say that more than half of our learning and work involved
collaboration with our students, peers and teachers.
Five Dimensions of Learning
Confidence and independence in my learning is hard to measure but I know
that I have gained confidence and independence in my learning and teaching.
I feel that I have gained knowledge in teaching and understanding linguistically
diverse students. I am greatful for being able to coach the fourth graders as it was a great learning experience and
I got to know 2 wonderful students and meet a great fourth grade class. Learning the basics of sign
language from Vicki Bruno was also very enlightening and encouraging. I know my learning is far from being complete
to teaching linguistically diverse students.
Skills and strategies that I have developed this semester include using
the 4 squares strategy to writing and learning to coach writing to fouth graders.
Use of prior and emerging experience is always something that we can
fall back on when put in an unfamiliar situation.
Reflectiveness is something that UNM stresses in every class especially
in teaching. Learning to reflect on ourselves and our
teaching is very important. I have gained much experience in reflecting this
semester and will continue to do so through out my student teaching and teaching.
Final Evaluation
Working with the fouth graders at Apache was a great experience. Going through
the whole process of writing and publishing was a great experience, as I have never been through a process like that.
Organization was a major aspect in this whole process and I will always remember that.
In terms of a grade I'm hoping for a B as I need a B to pass this course. Of
course an A would be nice but I don't expect an A and would be happy with a B.