Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
I am from poem

I am from the Native Americas of my fathers' great grandfathers
and the great Alps of my mothers' great grandfathers.
I am from 3 younger brothers
and no sisters
I am from sage brush, mesas and kerosene lamps
to Animas Street, sidewalks, and street lamps
I am from crossing the mighty Mississippi every summer
to visit my Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins
in the Buckeye State
I am from best friends
and lost friends
I am from the sweet aroma of homemade cinnamon rolls 
and fresh tortillas for dinner
I am from The Little Mermaid
to my Kadyn Ariel, my little mermaid
I am from desert flowers
and vases of flowers
I am from strawberry shaped Avon earrings
to dangling silver earrings
I am from coloring books
to textbooks

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